In pursuance of self evaluation for development and quality assurance as per the NAAC requirement, the IQAC was formed. It conducts a thorough evaluation of the academic and related performance every year as a measure of post – accredited quality sustenance activity. The focal points of evaluation are the following:
1. Effective Teaching.
2. Student Support Service
3. Assessment
4. Learning opportunities provided.
5. Planning for sustained development.
The IQAC works as a team to ensure quality education to the socially backward community of students, to transform them holistically – spiritually mentally and physically – to be agents of change and to be responsive and purposeful citizens.
The students form the most important and integral part of higher education. IQAC understands this and formulate various activities focusing on overall development of the students. It coordinates curricular and co curricular programs conducted to the students. Special programs are arranged by engaging resource persons from various institutions. Besides, it coordinates and makes students’ participation in development programs like free coaching for entry in service, remedial teaching and conducts add on courses. The students are free to express their needs in the learning process.
One wouldn’t have achived any of his dreams had he not been dedicated to continual improvement. Growing to reach the maximum potential and sowing seeds that benefit the students is the success of a good teacher. The college provides a friendly and encouraging atmosphere to the faculty members to enhance their knowledge by
i. taking up research projects,
ii. initiating the staff member to collaborate research with various institutions and
iii. encouraging them to attend seminars, workshop and conferences and also to write articles in reputed Journals.
Besides, IQAC conducts faculty enrichment programs by drawing experts from various fields. This is certainly a value added platform to hear and share ideas that benefit the entire stake holder.
IQAC understands that education is a journey rather than a destination. It needs knowing the purpose and starts to work today itself. It reminds me a saying “… yesterday is a dream; tomorrow is a vision; but today will make every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope….” IQAC rededicates itself today on the eve of Golden Jubilee of the college for the cause of quality and holistic education in Pope’s college.