Department of Physics

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Department of Physics

The Lord has done great things for us and we are glad. Psalms 126:3

By the matchless name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ the B.Sc., Physics course was started in the year 1968. In the beginning the department under the leadership of our pioneer H.O.D., Prof. P. Johnson Aruldoss B.A (Hons) with the devoted staff members. He led the Department efficiently and successfully for the past 33 years. The spirited team of staff members worked very hard. Many of our students got rank and they are now in high posts elsewhere as Scientists, Officers, Teachers, Researchers and so on. In this era, our department was upgraded to a P.G Department in the year 1988. Our enthusiastic staff members worked hard and got permanent approval. He got retirement in the year 1993.

After that by the able guidance of Dr. K. Kumarasamy, the Department entered into a bright future. He completed his doctorate degree in the year 1985. He got retirement in the year 1998.

Then Prof. S. Sankararaman, took charge and led it successfully up to Feb 2002; followed to him, Prof. H. Johnson became the H.O.D. of Physics and continued till 2003. He became the First Bursar of our college. By his able guidance many building projects were completed in the college.

Then Prof. A. Arul Adithan took charges as H.O.D., and continued up to May 2007. Following him Prof. A.T. James became the H.O.D and continued up to 2011.

Now Prof. D. Kalavathy has taken charge from 1st June 2011, and leading it successfully till date. She has contributed two papers one in I.I.T Madras in 1991 and the other in International Journal. She guided 9 M.Phil., Scholars.

Dr. J. Jebaraj Devadasan completed his doctoral degree and he contributed 18 papers. Now he is guiding 8 members in research. Ten M.Phil candidates were guided by him.

Prof. H. Johnson Jeyakumar, another staff member has been awarded with the Young Scientist Award. He is about to complete his Ph.D through F.I.P. He attended many conferences and published many papers in national and international journals.

Prof. S. Johnson Navamani, Prof. J.P. Edward Rajkumar, Prof. P. Shanthini Grace and Prof. G. Jeevarani Thangam are doing their Ph.D.

Dr. J. Jebasingh Kores has completed his doctorate and he is the in charge of U.G Association. Prof. P. Shanthini Grace is the in charge of our department Library. Prof. S. Johnson Navamani is the in charge for computer lab and Prof. G. Jeevarani Thangam is the in charge for the quiz club of our department. In future, our department will be upgraded in to a research centre and steps have been taken for that. Our P.F.A. is well active.

May God bless His showers upon us. I thank our God Almighty for his guidance.