Blood Donors Club

Blood Donors Club

Pope’s Blood Donors’ Club (PBDC) was inaugurated in Pope’s College at the administration of Major T.J.T. Rajkumar in the year 1993. The first president who laid a strong foundation to the club with a great vision was Prof. S. Venkatasubramanian and the first secretary of Pope’s Blood Donors’ club was Dr. A. Selvakumar. Over the years, a number of dedicated members - Dr. R. Selvakumar, Dr. P. Duraipalam Thanasingh, Mr. T. James and Mr. H. Johnson Jeyakumar has served in the club as the secretary and presently Mrs. K. Jenita Devanesam is in- charge as the secretary of Blood Donors’ Club. Mr. S. Jacob Rajan – a lab. assistant of the college serves as a close associate of the club. The club is serving wonderfully by donating blood to the needy and organizing blood donation camps elsewhere in the district.

The Pope Blood Donors’ Club is on track to serve the society without any anticipation. The members of the club serve sincerely understanding the principle that donating blood is donating life. Yes, blood is considered as the life saving liquid and in fact, a life saving drug in many cases. It is not every day you can do something to save someone's life but it is exactly what you do every time you donate blood. One Blood donor can save four lives.

Presently, the need of blood is very high right throughout the world. India alone has a deficit of at least three million units. This situation calls pressing attention to voluntary blood donations, which remain the only way of making blood available to the needy. Let us contribute!

Now a days, the advancements in Blood Transfusion Technology allow doctors to separate all the components of blood and store them at different Temperatures so that, all of them can be utilized optimally. Moreover, if we all were to donate blood twice a year, it would not just help the patients but our own bodies as well. Donation of blood is like servicing one's own system as it helps your body form new blood more often and so become more robust.

Despite of creating awareness among people through NSS camps and of explaining the importance and ethics of donating Blood, the doctors face difficulties and hurdles, in receiving blood in time and thereby it becomes so difficult sometimes to save the victim’s life. Certainly, the club needs to be expanded and pronged.

Pope’s College students donate blood on a voluntary basis. Blood donation camp is conducted every year successfully. AIDS Awareness programme is also conducted time to time. Blood Donors’ club and Youth Red Cross Society jointly conduct many a number of training and awareness programs like First Aid; AIDS eradication; Dengue fever eradication and also make visits to the home of mentally retarded children; the leprosarium and all at regular intervals. Pope’s Blood Donors’ club is actively serving the society at times of need. It gives the students the major opportunity to serve the society. It will serve incessantly.

Pope’s Blood Donors’ Club has been approved as a big unit and awarded with the great honour - the Leading Blood Donors’ Club of Thoothukudi District.